Chicago cranes

Our programs are all centered around social, educational, economic and charitable aspects. We bring Ugandans together through social gatherings, sports and religious events.

Share knowledge
Share Knowledge

We try to share knowledge with our members on how to succeed here; immigration, career choice, economic ideas, etc

Young members
Empowering our Young Members

We support programs that enhance our members well being. Our youth programs aim at empowering our young members and orienting them to succeed in the United States. Plans to start young adults camps are underway where our children 18 years and below will be brought together and taught, oriented and advised on all aspects of their lives. This will be mainly during summer and such camps are to be held every weekend. Parents, professional, role models, motivational speakers will be featured.

Women empowerment
Women Empowerment

The women share ideas on home making, relationships, health, education and economic empowerment. Through social interaction, seminars, workshops, women are empowered.

Economic empowerment
Economic Empowerment

Majority of our men being heads of households, programs in economic empowerment, career and business development, health are important.

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The community runs charitable drives to assist the needy especially back home in Uganda. We share the little we have with our most disadvantaged back home.

(c) 2020 Ugandan Community in Illinois. 

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